
Urandir recebe moção de congratulação da Assembléia Legislativa do Mato Grosso do Sul

O pesquisador Urandir Fernandes de Oliveira, fundador e presidente do Dakila Pesquisas, recebeu, dia dois de outubro de 2018, moção de congratulação durante sessão ordinária no plenário da Assembleia Legislativa do Mato Grosso do Sul. O reconhecimento foi motivado pela realização de estudos científicos em diversas áreas do conhecimento como matemática, física, física quântica, astronomia e geografia. Dentre as pesquisas, destacam-se descobertas recentes sobre o formato da Terra, apontando que ela não é esférica e sim convexa.

ABFIP entrega medalhas aos Pesquisadores de Dakila

A Associação Brasileira das Forças Internacionais de Paz, entidade ligada às forças internacionais de paz da ONU, entregou a Urandir Fernandes de Oliveira e a 32 pesquisadores de Dakila Pesquisas medalha na categoria ciência em solenidade realizada em junho de 2018 na Câmara Municipal de São Paulo.

Urandir recebe título de cidadão rochedense

Rochedo é uma das cidades sul-mato-grossenses que fazem parte do entorno da sede de Dakila Pesquisas. No dia 22 de novembro de 2018, ocorreu um evento que reconheceu pessoas, com o Título Cidadão Rochedense, que fazem a diferença para este município e, dentre elas, o presidente de Dakila, Urandir Fernandes Oliveira. A TVCH ( registrou o evento.

The researchers of Dakila Research were awarded after scientific studies on the Earth's shape

SAO PAULO, Brazil, Dec. 21, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Brazilian association Dakila Research, represented by its president Urandir Fernandes de Oliveira, received in October a congratulatory motion of the Legislative Assembly of Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) in recognition of the importance of the scientific studies conducted in different areas of knowledge such as mathematics, physics, quantum physics, astronomy and geography. Among the researches, recent discoveries on the shape of the earth are highlighted, emphasizing that it is not spherical but rather flat in the waters and convex on the continents. For the same reasons, DAKILA researchers received, in June, from the Brazilian International Association of Peace Forces (UN), in the Municipality of San Paulo (SP), the Medal of Merit of the Chief Carlos Macedo Adalberto Isola "Heroes of the Six Days War". According to Urandir Fernandes de Oliveira, the commendations received represent a victory not only of the researc

Associação Dakila Pesquisas: The researchers of Dakila Research were awarded after scientific studies on the Earth's shape

SAO PAULO, Brazil, Dec. 21, 2018  -- The Brazilian association Dakila Research, represented by its president Urandir Fernandes de Oliveira, received in October a congratulatory motion of the Legislative Assembly of Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) in recognition of the importance of the scientific studies conducted in different areas of knowledge such as mathematics, physics, quantum physics, astronomy and geography. Among the researches, recent discoveries on the shape of the earth are highlighted, emphasizing that it is not spherical but rather flat in the waters and convex on the continents For the same reasons, DAKILA researchers received, in June, from the Brazilian International Association of Peace Forces (UN), in the Municipality of San Paulo (SP), the Medal of Merit of the Chief Carlos Macedo Adalberto Isola "Heroes of the Six Days War". According to Urandir Fernandes de Oliveira, the commendations received represent a victory not only of the researchers and scient

Associação Dakila Pesquisas: The researchers of Dakila Research were awarded after scientific studies on the Earth's shape

SAO PAULO, Brazil, Dec. 21, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Brazilian association Dakila Research, represented by its president Urandir Fernandes de Oliveira, received in October a congratulatory motion of the Legislative Assembly of Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) in recognition of the importance of the scientific studies conducted in different areas of knowledge such as mathematics, physics, quantum physics, astronomy and geography. Among the researches, recent discoveries on the shape of the earth are highlighted, emphasizing that it is not spherical but rather flat in the waters and convex on the continents For the same reasons, DAKILA researchers received, in June, from the Brazilian International Association of Peace Forces (UN), in the Municipality of San Paulo (SP), the Medal of Merit of the Chief Carlos Macedo Adalberto Isola "Heroes of the Six Days War". According to Urandir Fernandes de Oliveira, the commendations received represent a victory not only of the researche

Urandir e Pesquisadores de Dakila homenageados pela ABFIP em São Paulo

As medalhas entregues a Urandir Fernandes de Oliveira e aos pesquisadores de Dakila foram entregues em junho de 2018, em ceriônia realizada pela Associação Brasileira das Forças Internacionais de Paz - ABDIF  ligada às Forças Internacionais de Paz da ONU na Câmara Municipal de São Paulo.